
Covalence – The Beginning EP | Feature & Download

by on May 29, 2014

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Having been in the works for almost a year, Justin Hales (Covalence) has given incision the pleasure of examining his new EP, “The Beginning”, up close.  This 9 track wonder left us curious as to why Justin has chosen to take on a new name and producing route, ‘I’m still going to release under Covalence but it’s no longer my main project.  The [new] stuff isn’t done yet, it’s definitely more commercial, but it’s still very much me – and my buddy Austin’.  The new artist team-up name/title has yet to be announced.

After grabbing this EP from the underground channels of the Colorado music scene – we immediately put it up for review at Bionite: Origins, incision’s unannounced marketing pet project – an eFPS aiming for Steam Greenlight under development by Platoon Studios.  Off the radar while producing our photo/video stock platform (incision Bypass) and moving into various other genres/platforms, incision has happily teamed with Platoon Studios to help create a beacon for the Battlezone/eFPS game genre.  More details still to come, as the overall influence of incision over the Platoon Studios project is still being drawn out.  Aside from specifics – were very excited to be contributing to our first video game, and hope for a solid future in the industry.

As promised, Covalence will be featured many places in the Bionite: Origins development.  Here you’ll find the FIRST public release of his track “Space Rabbits”, debuted on the EP “The Beginning”.  Soon the entire EP will be available for FREE, so be sure to keep up with Covalence by following one of the links below!

| Check out Covalence’s Facebook
| Check out Covalence’s Soundcloud
| Check out Covalence’s Reverb Nation

Grab this unreleased track and let us know what you think.  If you enjoy Electronic Dance Music – we promise love will be involved.  Thankfully this love is low maintenance and wont cost you a penny.

Download Covalence – Space Rabbits

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