
::DISKOPELLA:: Rise and Fall | Fundraising Video & Graphics

by on April 4, 2014

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Algorythym Designs – a team of artists behind set/environment design for Global Dance Music, Triad Dragons, Floogbangrs, and Life In Color – brings you a fresh mutant vehicle idea for Burning Man 2014.  incision films is proud to present our first Kickstarter/Fundraising campaign video for what was possibly hands down the coolest idea for the Burn – Diskopella.  We say was, because now having already launched, there’s great speculation on any chance for success – the other hand reading provided below the Diskopella logo.

Diskopella is an environment supplement – a giant 30ft disco ball that opens into a lotus flower with the ability to shoot cryogenics and blast pyrotechnics.  It will feature a full wrap around bar and will be driven by a military 6-axle vehicle.  But make no mistake, the vehicle isn’t intended to pull away from the music in the environment, as it will drive from location to location providing lasers and rotating headlights to reflect off the ball, adding to the intensity of the overall entertainment.

incision films had the opportunity of producing the 3D driven fundraiser video, featuring Algorythym Designs creator Alan Rushlow (perhaps more widely known by his pseudonym Alan Endorfun).  Catch the in depth look at all the specifics of where the money is going and what the project is intended for in incisions latest and first fundraising video!

Video By:
Nicholas DeSuza, Joel Meaders, Andrew Miller, Jay Stein/Sentient Graphics

$35,000 may seem like a lot, more than what many make yearly, but for a project this large the sum doesn’t even finance the labor.  This immense project is a feat of materials – which Algorythym is will to accept as donations instead of money, to work with Nexus Audio Visual to complete the building process.

On the other hand – there’s mixed options from the Burning Man community.  From the starting line incision films was rejected use of Burning Man footage to help support the campaign – and having never been to Burning Man left the editing process up to CG creativity.  We found this to be a respectable reaction from the community driven event, not knowing the significance of the temple burn footage – most likely used far out of context – not to mention understandable on an IP litigation scale.  Generally speaking, it’s believed there may be a fear of the electronic dance community invading the grassroots driven event (or city?) – even in the form of a mutant vehicle that doesn’t emit music.  ‘When you look at [the] fundraiser gifts it basically looks like [they] are pre-selling VIP access either to on-playa events or to the vehicle itself for a significant chunk of the event’ a BMORG moderator explains, ‘could prevent [them] from even being able to get an MV license!’.  This, of course, was before Algorythym changed the perks from VIP tickets to events on the Playa to actual physical giveaways, such as necklaces, hats, and shirts.

Having been in a fundraising state for a over 3 weeks with little time on the clock, the Indiegogo campaign is struggling – at the time of article publish $150 of $35,000.  Soon after the Indiegogo completes, Algorythym claims whatever funds are still necessary will carry on to Kickstarter – but generally speaking – things aren’t looking up.  We believe it’s a mixture of negative first reactions from burners and a severe lack of promotion from Algorythym.  Alan insists that this mutant vehicle will begin making appearances on a larger scale including promotion and potentially a grant from BMORG – but being Jack Rabbit Speaks newsletter subscribers were yet to see the evidence.  If the project is to survive, moves need to be made – from helping donate to simply sharing the knowledge of the campaign with your friends.

diskopella_social_shares_metaTo the right are statistics for social networking shares of the Indiegogo Campaign.  We’d share the video link social counts – if there had been any.

Should the campaign fail – Alan claims that Indica Vape Pens, the equivalent of e-cigarettes for marijuana users, is willing to buy the entire project out.  Keep in mind, this is a “Plan B” if things don’t pull through, likely giving the innovative company rights to the mutant vehicle.  According to Alan, everything is “slow moving” – but being so far in the dark we’ve recently given up on the project.  With releases before and after campaign launch consisting of 5 requested revisions of the fundraiser video, only 238 views were procured in total amongst all of them – only 60 views on the final version launched only days after the Indiegogo campaign.  This suggests the video was designed only for high budget investors and shared in private.  Contrary to how we were told the video would be used, promised “near-viral” exposure, the campaign doesn’t have the promotional evidence to support a $35,000 goal.  What’s worse for Algorythym, the ability to take the suffering Indiegogo down completely is impossible due to the fact funds were raised to it – the first $100 being from campaign host Alan himself – leaving the effort open to negative criticism.

Realistically speaking, based on how the campaign reads and what Alan suggested before incision started on the video, Algorythym may have been hoping to use Burning Man 2014 to launch a new vehicle to use for their own purposes at other large Electronic Dance Music events.  Burning Man 2014 may have simply been the catalyst, also featuring great and successfully funded mutant vehicles.  Being enthusiasts for video we were excited for the idea that was Diskopella, eager to create the video, but have been ultimately let down by what may be only the “mid-game”.

A lot of effort went into the creation of the free fundraiser video produced by incision films and we would love to hear opinions from our viewers/readers.  Is this a campaign best left forgotten – or should the mutant vehicle Diskopella come to fruition?  Are they asking too much, or is it more than practical?  As readers, viewers, fans, burners, investors — it falls into your hands — will Diskopella live or remain an idea?

In the meantime – have a glance at the status of the fundraising campaigns;

| Indiegogo |

| Kickstarter (in-active) |

Love the idea & wish to dig deeper?  Check out Algorythym Designs on Facebook!  Leave your opinion there as well;

| Algorythym Designs Facebook Page |

Looking to run your own campaign and want solid support?
Don’t hesitate to hit us up, were always looking to get involved with great projects!

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